State Representative Trey Kelley (R-Cedartown) today called for the removal of comedian Samantha Bee’s TBS television program “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.” Representative Trey Kelley represents the citizens of District 16, which includes portions of Bartow, Haralson and Polk counties.
In a recent letter to John Martin, chairman and CEO of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., Rep. Kelley stated:
“I’ve long been a fan of Turner Broadcasting. I fondly remember growing up turning the dial over to TBS to watch Andy Griffith or the Braves, and I still make sure to flip over on occasion to get some laughs with “The Big Bang Theory.” I’ve always felt a sense of pride knowing millions of Americans turn to a Georgia based company headquartered right across the street from Atlanta’s beloved Varsity for their daily entertainment.
Sadly, that pride has faded based on Turner Broadcasting’s actions or more accurately the lack of action I’ve seen coming from Turner in regards to the vile comments made by one of Turner’s on-air personalities. As I am sure you are already aware, on Wednesday of this week, Samantha Bee, referred to Ivanka Trump, an internationally successful business woman, in a way that can only be classified as despicable and hate filled.
As a Republican, I have tolerated Ms. Bee’s constant berating of my party and the values we stand for and while I don’t agree with Ms. Bee’s characterization of the Republican Party, I recognize our country was built on the debate of political ideals. However, I can’t sit quietly while Ms. Bee makes such unconscionable remarks which degrade all women. These comments certainly don’t represent Georgia values and I would hope they don’t represent the values of one of Georgia’s most visible companies. You can make clear Turner Broadcasting will not stand for these types of remarks by removing Ms. Bee and her show from your programming.
I appreciate your consideration on this serious issue and the longstanding relationship between Turner Broadcasting and Georgia.”