Authorities have made one arrest related to an action taken in response to a disruptive political demonstration at Cass High School last week.

According to Sheriff Clark Millsap, 18-year-old Jacob Clifford Scarborough of Hartwell has been arrested and charged with cruelty to children in the first degree, harassing phone calls or other forms of electronic communication, and terroristic threats following an investigation into an incident which occurred on Wednesday, August 26.

At the time of the incident, campus police and the sheriff’s deputies were investigating an incident at Cass High School on Monday, August 24, which stemmed from the United States’ current political environment. Several students were expelled from the school for a while as a result of the altercation.

Scarborough has no known ties to the Bartow County School System or its students. He allegedly sent several messages directly to one of the juvenile victims through Snapchat and Instagram social media platforms. He reportedly threatened to harm the juvenile upon returning to school, threatened to harm African Americans, and made derogatory racial slurs.

Scarborough was taken into custody by authorities in Hart County this Monday, and he is currently in the Hart County Jail, where he awaits transportation to the Bartow County Jail.