CARTERSVILLE, Ga– Work could begin soon on resurfacing Hwy 41 in Bartow County. Georgia DOT has recently awarded a contract to C.W. Matthews Contracting Company, Inc. of Marietta, Georgia, valued at little over three million dollars for a construction project to resurface a portion of the highway in Bartow County. The project includes 10.820 miles of milling, inlay and plant mix resurfacing on State Route 3/US 41, beginning south of Jones Street and extending to Piedmont Avenue.
“Transportation projects like this one continue to positively influence the lives of the residents of northwest Georgia by helping improve mobility and enhancing safety,” said Grant Waldrop, district engineer at the Georgia DOT office in Cartersville.
This resurfacing project is scheduled to be completed by the end of July 2019, at a construction cost of $3,227,367. Information on construction and lane closure schedules on this project will be forthcoming before work begins.
More details on this and other projects in the Department’s recent bid awards are available via Award Announcement Download at:
The Georgia Department of Transportation continues its 2018 construction program. Dozens of important roadway improvement projects are ongoing this summer throughout northwest Georgia as we work to deliver projects on time and on budget while keeping our transportation network the nation’s finest. Pardon the necessary inconvenience and please drive cautiously and safely at all times, especially in work zones.
The public is urged to “know before you go.” For real-time information on active construction, incidents and more, call 511 or visit before you get into your car.
Roadway work zones are hazardous for workers and for the public. In fact, most fatalities in work zones crashes are drivers or passengers. Obey the rules in work zones – Pay Attention – Slow Down – Watch for Workers. And always, expect the unexpected. It can make the difference between life and death. Remember – work zone safety is in your hands.