The Bartow County School System announced recently announced that Cass High School has been nationally recognized for raising student achievement.
Cass High has now become the 15th school in the Bartow County School system to be recognized as a Model Professional Learning community.
The CHS principal Steve Revard is quoted in the school systems announcement stating “We began this process in 2018 when we attended the ‘Culture Keepers’ conference in Atlanta. From there, we established the Colonel Coalition, comprised of teachers and staff, to lay the foundation for what would become a shift toward learning, collaboration, and results. This has evolved into breaking down barriers that prevented best practices and implementing processes that develop a guaranteed and viable curriculum, common assessments, and strategic Tier II interventions. From there, our student growth and many record-breaking academic achievements speak for itself.”
Schools are recognized based on strict criteria, including demonstration of a commitment to PLC concepts, implementation of these concepts for at least three years, and clear evidence of improved student learning over that period. Once measurable results can be seen, the school must explain its practices, structures, and culture, and then submit its application for consideration by the PLC Review Committee.
If you would like to view the full announcement of this recognition you can visit the Bartow County School Systems Facebook page.