The U.S. Geological Survey is calling for all dead butterflies and moths in six states, including Georgia.
You heard that right.
The USGS is asking citizens to mail in deceased butterflies, moths, and skippers to help scientists establish a Lepidoptera Research Collection.
These specimens will help USGS scientists identify contaminants and environmental factors contributing to the decline of insect populations. Citizen participation will ensure enough of them are available to answer research questions.
The DEADline is November 1st.
The citizen science pilot began in April, and based on the response and number of specimens received so far, the collection efforts may continue beyond November into 2024. The LRC will be made available to all scientists within the USGS to conduct research.
The USGS Environmental Organic Chemistry unit will specifically look at the occurrence of antibiotics, pesticides, hormones, and mycotoxins in Lepidoptera.
Citizens can mail their specimens to:
1217 Biltmore Drive
Lawrence, KS 66049