The Keep Bartow Beautiful Office will give out free seedlings next week. White Dogwood and Catalpa will be given out Friday, Feb. 19, starting at 9 a.m. at the following locations:
Bartow County Courthouse
Cartersville City Hall
Doug’s Restaurant in Emerson
Kingston City Hall
United Community Bank in Adairsville
From 9am until noon or seedlings are gone.
Press Release
A quote from British environmentalist and author Richard St. Barbe Baker says a lot. “You can gauge a country’s wealth, its real wealth, by its tree cover.” Land is not just a commodity it is a resource. With wisdom and foresight we can sustainably manage economic growth with environmental needs.
That is why we need to plan carefully to plant or replace whenever possible. Even though you may only have a front or backyard to keep a tree, you plus your neighbor, plus the guy down the street and the family on the corner down from him who plant and maintain trees can benefit, not just your piece of the world, but could eventually benefit the entire world. Especially if this is multiplied the world over.