A Cartersville Police report confirms the presence of an explosive device in a car involved in a crash last month. The narrative does not explain Kenneth Baily had the suspected bomb in his car. According to a Cartersville Police report, officers responded to an accident at 8:10 a.m. near the intersection of Erwin and Porter Streets. The accident occurred on January 26th. The vehicle left Erwin Street and traveled down an embankment. With the engine still running and the tires spinning, the vehicle dangled precariously down the side of the embankment. Cartersville firefighters and police officers worked to shut the car off.
Forty-one-year-old Kenneth Bailey apparently lost control of his car. According to the report, Bailey was unsteady on his feet and swayed from side to side. Officers reported a strong smell of marijuana emanating from the vehicle. The report states a green leafy substance believed to be marijuana and a baggie with the same substance was found in the car. Other drugs found in the vehicle include a pill bottle containing seven hydrocodone pills.
According to the report, officers found a black backpack containing a homemade explosive device; “the explosive device was described as CO2 cartridge wrapped in electrical tape with a green fuse coming from within the device.”
The area was evacuated, and a team from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation was called to remove the bomb.
Baily was not injured in the accident; he was taken to jail and charged with DUI drugs, possession of a scheduled II controlled substance, possession of marijuana, possession with intent or offer to distribute an explosive device, and drugs to be kept in original container.