Press Release from the Cartersville Medical Center
The CDC and science tell us the proper use of precautions used by U.S. hospitals for treating patients with infectious diseases are effective for protecting others from the spread of Ebola from an infected person.
Standard precautions include:
- Isolation of patients with Ebola from contact with unprotected persons
- Wearing of protective clothing, double gloves, masks, impermeable gowns, hoods that cover the neck and goggles or face shields) by persons caring for Ebola patients
- The use of other infection-control measures (such as complete equipment sterilization, use of disinfectant and appropriate waste disposal practices)
In addition to these, Cartersville Medical Center would use the same precautions we use in the treatment of patients with airborne illnesses, such as TB, in the care of a suspected Ebola patient. Those include isolating the patient in a negative airflow room and having our staff use protective respirators such as an N95, which filters out smaller particles.
We also are reinforcing the proper use and removal of personal protective equipment through a training video and use of the buddy system when putting on and taking off protective equipment. We have conducted a tabletop exercise to ensure complete understanding of appropriate protocols.
Additional specific practices in place to help identify and manage potential cases include:
- A screening tool to document contagious respiratory illnesses combined with recent travel outside the U.S.
- Isolation precautions for patients who exhibit symptoms and have recently traveled to affected areas
- Use of personal protective equipment by caregivers
- Rigorous use of effective disinfection practices for equipment, supplies and other material used in providing care for the patient
- Internal communications among caregivers to limit potential exposure
- Immediate reporting to our local health department