December 16, 2014 – The Georgia Department of Education today released the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), based on data from the 2013-2014 school year.

Georgia’s elementary schools saw a one-year decrease in scores from  77.8 to 72.6 (-5.2), middle schools saw a one-year decrease in scores from 74.6 to 73.2 (-1.4) and high schools saw a one-year decrease in scores from 71.8  to 68.4 (-3.4).


2012 2013 2014
Elementary 74.5 77.8 72.6
Middle 73.8 74.6 73.2
High 72.8 71.8 68.4
Single Score 74.1 75.8 72.0


“While decreasing CCRPI scores are disappointing, they are not unexpected,” Superintendent Barge said. “This index is still relatively new and demands different areas of focus for our schools. Improvements will not happen overnight, but the CCRPI is giving them a roadmap to tailor an education that is student-centered and one that will ensure they are college and career ready.”

The CCRPI is Georgia’s statewide accountability system, implemented in 2012 to replace the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measurement, after the U.S. Department of Education granted Georgia’s waiver from NCLB on Feb. 9, 2012. It measures schools and school districts on an easy-to-understand 100-point scale, helping parents and the public better understand how schools are performing in a more comprehensive manner than the pass/fail system previously in place under AYP.

Since the first “study year” of CCRPI implementation in 2012, the State has received valuable feedback from education partners and the public, and has revised and refined the CCRPI to make a more meaningful report. The 2013 data was calculated for the first time reflecting the new calculation, and the 2012 scores were recalculated applying the new calculation methodology.

 The updated calculations require schools and districts to meet greater expectations to earn high scores.



CCRPI Summary

CCRPI Detailed Summary of Changes

2014 CCRPI Reports


2013 CCRPI Reports


2012 CCRPI Reports


2014 CCRPI Scoring by Component

2014 CCRPI Indicator Score

2014 CCRPI Content Mastery by Subgroup

4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate