As of 2:50 Thursday afternoon, the Georgia Department of Public Health has reported 1,495 COVID-19 confirmed cases in Bartow County, 55 more than yesterday.
They also reported Bartow County had 200 hospitalizations, with 55 deaths. That is no hospitalizations since Tuesday and no deaths since Monday.
Cartersville Medical Center reports they currently have 20 patients admitted that are positive for COVID19. According to the same reports, there are no patients admitted awaiting COVID19 test results.
The public health department also reports 182,286 confirmed cases of COVID-19 statewide and 3,671 deaths.
The link for more specifics is
As is reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health, cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Bartow County. With this information, the Bartow County Fire and Emergency Services: Division of Emergency Management remains at the Emergency Operations Center, monitoring this dynamic situation.
Local Division of Emergency Management staff gave masks to offices of the Bartow County Probate Court. Any department or organization that needs masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, or sanitizing/cleaning agents can contact Logistics Section Chief Bruce King at 770-387-5089.
The Department of Public Health is still offering free COVID-19 testing at the Clarence Brown Conference Center. These services are provided Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They are also provided on the second and fourth Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.