Atlanta – Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens is warning Georgians who will seek assistance in purchasing health insurance through Healthcare.Gov to verify that they are dealing with an appropriately-licensed individual before sharing any personal information.
The Affordable Care Act created “Navigators” and “Certified Application Counselors” who are authorized to help enroll Georgians in health insurance coverage through the Exchange. This year, the Georgia General Assembly passed House Bill 198, which requires those individuals to obtain a license through Hudgens’ office.
“Under HB 198, my office is requiring individuals applying to become a Navigator or Certified Application Counselor to pass a test and undergo a criminal background check before getting licensed,” Commissioner Hudgens said. “These requirements will help protect consumers from the unqualified and dishonest people who would otherwise be operating in our state.”
Currently, the Insurance Department has licensed over 80 Navigators and Certified Application Counselors. Hudgens also reminds consumers that they can work with their local health insurance agent to obtain coverage from the Exchange.
To confirm whether a Navigator or Certified Application Counselor is currently licensed, consumers can call the Insurance Department at 404-656-2070 or visit us online at