During the Aubrey Corporation zoning application heard on Monday a set of 13 conditions were presented to commission by the applicant, and a seat of 12 conditions were presented by the staff. The commission did vote to add the staff recommended conditions after a comparison of the two. The commission also voted to add an additional condition.
This added condition states that any county required buffers shall not count toward the minimum 5,000 acres of greenspace that is required within the planned greenspace development district. It was suggested in the applicant’s conditions that buffers would apply to the required greenspace.
The first condition restricts where industrial and mining traffic can be accessed from, limited it to U.S. Hwy 411 or Ga. Hwy. 20. Another condition that relates to mining states that areas that are portrayed as ‘mineral reserve’ on the concept plan that are not in an extraction area shall remain undisturbed, except for access roadways and easements.
There were also multiple conditions in relation to housing which are as follows. Single-family homes must be on a minimum 7,500 square feet lots if sewer is available. Single-family homes on septic must be a minimum two acres and must be connected to public water. Architectural standards for residential uses in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 districts, and commercial uses in the C-1 and C-N districts shall apply. The total number of multi-family units, including apartment units, townhomes, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes and condominiums, shall not exceed 2,000 in the Planned Greenspace Development District. With the total number of all housing units, whether that be single-family or multi-family) shall not exceed 16,500. Lastly that in the district when adjacent to existing single-family residential uses must have 50-foot undisturbed buffer for residential uses, 100-foot undisturbed buffer for commercial uses, and a 200-foot buffer for industrial uses. Along with that if a greater buffer is required by a land use in the zoning ordinance it will apply.
The conditions continued and state that the creation of a Habitat conservation plan must be completed prior to issuance of the first land disturbance permit in the district as recommended by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service and the Georgia Department of Natural resources. Similar to that condition one states that there must be a 200-foot undisturbed buffer for all creeks and streams identified as State waters by the county engineer or state EPD staff. That buffer also must be shown on civil plans prior to issuance of a land disturbance permit.
The conditions continue and state that before a master plan is submitted a traffic impact study for the applicable area shall be prepared signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer and submitted to the county engineer or their designee for review. The remaining conditions state that the owner or developer shall provide a mechanism for permanent greenspace protection by April 1st 2028, or if 6,000 acres has been submitted for master plan review, whichever comes first. Lastly that development of reginal impact filings is required for any individual development or land use that meet the Georgia Department of Community Affairs threshold for filing.