The Cartersville City Schools Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, November 8, 2021. Cartersville High School was the host for this month’s meeting.
Character Word for the Month- COOPERATION: Working together to accomplish a common goal.
Stellar Performers
The Matthew Hill-Michael Dean HEARTS Employee of the Month for November (Teacher) is Ms. Ansley Choate, a teacher at Cartersville Primary School. Ms. Choate is the epitome of the characteristics outlined for the HEARTS Award. She works hard each day making sure her students are actively engaged in their work. It is an understatement to say that her class is full of energy. In the midst of a class with all differentiated instruction due to their medical and intellectual needs, she also potty trains them. She is at the Resource Center creating lessons after school weekly. One of her nominators said, “When you watch her interact, you can see the love she has for each student. I am so lucky to work with her and even prouder to call her a friend.” New Frontier of Bartow County, Inc. proudly sponsors the Hill-Dean HEARTS Employee of the Month Award and Ansley will receive a $50.00 gift certificate to Appalachian Grill, along with her name being added to a perpetual plaque displayed at the Cartersville Board Office.
Linda Benton Students of the Month
The CPS Student of the Month is Corinne Konen. Cori is a second-grade student in Mrs. Susie Nelson’s class. Cori is a unique student who has her own identity and personality. Cori is very bright, kind, respectful, confident, and helpful to everyone she meets. Cori was not only chosen because of her outstanding qualities, but she also exemplifies the C.P.S. Character Word of the Month – Individuality. Cori has confidence like no other and her confidence makes her classroom more interesting. Cori loves to assist Mrs. Nelson in the classroom by helping her classmates with the classroom computers and math activities. Cori is an all-around amazing student at CPS and is well deserving of the honor.
The CES Student of the Month is Jacob Tindall. As a third-grade student, Jacob already knows the importance of obeying rules and laws. He is a role model student that demonstrates our classroom rules and holds his classmates accountable as well. Jacob is always looking for creative ways to include his classmates in activities at school or social events in our community. He is also a member of Boy Scouts, which involves community engagement and making wise decisions.
The CMS Student of the Month is Allison Evans. Alli is a straight A student enrolled in all honors classes. She is actively involved in Cross Country, FCA, and Soccer. She exemplifies learning like a Cane each day!!
The CHS Student of the Month is Alexis Mazique. When I think of kindness, Alexis immediately comes to mind as a student who exemplifies this attribute every day. She demonstrates kindness in her words, her actions, her spirit, and her contagious smile. She brings joy and positivity to the classroom and even accepts mistakes and errors in her assignments with a kind, gracious, good-natured attitude. She’s a bright spot in my day and someone whom I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching. I know of no other sweeter, kinder student.
Music was presented by the CHS Men’s Choir, directed by Mr. Jim Stanley.
During the Business Session, the Board approved the Financial and Utility Reports. Under Consent, the Board approved eight surplus items along with the following:
-The Local Board Training Plan for 2021-22 was amended to reflect a change of date to attend their conferences and training.
-The City of Cartersville Parks and Recreation was approved to use the CES Gym for their Youth Basketball from November 15,
2021 through February 26, 2022, weekdays 5:00-9:00 p.m. and weekends 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
-Three disciplinary tribunals were approved.
Finance Committee recommendation: The Board approved Geo-Hydro Engineers, Kennesaw, GA, for the special inspections and storm water monitoring services for the new school in the amount of $139,162 to be paid from SPLOST.
Personnel approved:
-Joy Early, Accounting Clerk II: Payroll and Benefits, retirement, with regret, effective January 1, 2022.
-Winnie Laraby, Bus Driver, retirement, with regret, effective December 1, 2021.
-Carla Zimmerman, School Nutrition Assistant Manager, effective October 25, 2021.
Classified Employees:
-Tamatha Brooks, Bus Driver, effective January 4, 2022.
-Ken Paige, New Construction Manager, 49%, effective November 9, 2021.
-Michael Swaim, HVAC Craftsman I, effective November 11, 2021.
-Kim Black, Accounting Clerk I to Accounting Clerk II, effective November 9, 2021.
-Ashley Chappuis-Fontana, School Nutrition Assistant to Interim School Nutrition Assistant Manager, effective November 9, 2021.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Cartersville School Board will be Monday, December 13, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at Cartersville Middle School, 825 Douthit Ferry Road.