The Cartersville City Council will meet Thursday to consider a handful of contract agreements and purchases. The largest is a natural gas service contract with the new SK battery plant.
This agreement outlines terms of the plant’s gas service provided by the city. Under the agreement SK has agreed to pay a minimum monthly bill for its gas usage for seven years or until the city has recouped its capital outlay from the sale profits, whichever event occurs first.
The gas system anticipates that the capital outlay for this project would be recouped or returned on investment within five years depending on the cost of gas.
There will also be a number of purchases put forth during this meeting. The largest on the agenda is the installation of a fiber pathway for the Qcells plant. The total amount of this installation would be 85,810.40. While this is not a budgeted item it is stated that the city has funds available for it in the 2020 SPLOST fund.
The city will also have the second readings of two zoning matters. The first is updating the city’s zoning map based on cases that the council approved in 2022. The other is in relation to house bill 1405 which changes ordinances across the state in regard to local governments zoning ordinances.
This Cartersville City Council meeting will be aired live on WBHF’s website and on air at 1450 AM and 100.3 FM starting at 7 p.m.