September 25, 2014 – The City of Cartersville Parks and Recreation Department is proud to announce the newly constructed canoe/kayak launch on the Etowah River. This launch is part of the recently established Etowah River Water Trail and has been given the title of Etowah River Trail at Leake Mounds. The launch is located at 1540 West Avenue, on the Cartersville side of the E.R. Bates Bridge.
This canoe/kayak launch project received funding through a Recreational Trails Grant offered by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Others agencies assisting in the construction include Bartow County Government, Coosa River Basin Initiative, City of Cartersville Public Works, Cartersville Electric System, Cartersville Gas System and the Cartersville Water Department. Other partners include the US Army Corps of Engineers, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Office of Environmental Services, and Georgia Department of Transportation. The launch was designed by Southland Engineering in Cartersville and constructed by CDB Construction in Kingston.
This launch will share the Leake Mounds Trailhead parking area with two other trails; the Leake Mounds Interpretive Trail and the proposed Etowah River Walk-Leake Mounds Link, which will connect to Sam Smith Park. For additional information about this water trail system, visit