Press Release:
December 10, 2018
In the regular October meeting of the Cartersville City Board of Education, the School Board recognized Renee O’Harran, as the HEARTS Employee of the Month. Renee received a $50.00 gift card to Appalachian Grill, and her name will be added to our perpetual HEARTS plaque displayed at the Cartersville Board Office. New Frontier of Bartow County, Inc. proudly sponsors this award.
The following Cartersville High School Competition Cheerleaders, along with their coaches, Breanna McDonald and Cissi Adams, were also recognized for earning the program’s fourth state championship in November 2018: Alyssa Andrews, Gracie Borkowsky, Ashlin Borkowsky, Samantha Castillo, Madison Chatmon, Samantha Gould, Anna Mann, Macy Matthews, Taylor Pogue, Riley Roberts, Chalie Stephens, Makiya Tart, Darci Tidwell, Isabel Tucker and Caroline Wright.
The principals gave updates and reports on each of their schools.
During the Business Session, the Board approved acceptance of a bid proposal from Georgia Center for Civic Engagement, Cartersville, GA in the amount of $60,625.00 for the CHS Band trip to Washington, D.C.
Under Consent, the Board approved for Dr. Marc Feuerbach to attend the GSSA Superintendent Bootstrap Conference in Savannah, Georgia April 17-18, 2019; as well as the Schlechty Center School Board Conference in Austin, Texas January 3-5, 2019. Board President Kelley Dial and member Tim Chason will also attend this conference with Dr. Feuerbach.
The Board also approved a ratification to waive Policy DJED in order to allow the Superintendent or his designee to review submitted written quotes and award the lowest and best quote for State Football Championship Play-Off t-shirts. They also approved ratification of the following rental requests: Crosspoint City Church to use the CES parking lot for a volunteer team on Saturday, December 22, 2018 from 2:00pm-9:00pm; and for Atlanta Quest Percussion, Inc., Atlanta, GA to use the Cartersville High School Fine Arts Building and Old Gym from January 2019-April 2019 for practice.
One surplus item was approved.
Under Finance, the Board approved the FY 2020 Budget Parameters, the FY 2020 Budget Preparation and Millage Setting Calendar, the 2018 CAFR as prepared by Mauldin & Jenkins CPA’s and the School Nutrition Program Procurement Plan.
Under Policy, the Board approved clarification changes to the following policies/regulations: EEE-Wellness, JAA-Nondiscrimination, JAA-Equal Opportunity Compliant Procedure, JB-Student Attendance,
JBC-School Admissions, Transfers & Withdrawals, JBC(4)-Awarding of Credit & Acceptance of Transfer Credit/Grades, JC-Student Civil Rights, JCAC-Sexual Harassment, JCDAB-Alcohol & Drug Use, JN-Awards, Recognitions, Scholarships, JP-Staff/Student Relations, JQKA-Foreign Exchange Students, JR-Student Records, JR-E-FERPA Notice, JR-R-Regulations for Student Records Access, JS-Student Fees, Fines & Charges, JS-R-Textbook/Media Book Charges. The Board also agreed to set on the table for public review and comment, the following new policy: EEF-Competitive Foods.
Classified Employees approved: Julie McCary, CMS Receptionist, effective January 7, 2019.
The Board voted to accept the resignation of April Garner, CES Nurse, effective January 2, 2019.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Cartersville School Board is Monday, January 14, 2019.