Bartow Health Department to Relocate Clinical Services to Temporary Location during renovation
CARTERSVILLE, GA: Clinical services at the Bartow County Health Department will relocate later this month to a facility at 5355 Highway 20, Cartersville, for an anticipated 18-24-month period while the current health department building at 100 Zena Drive is enlarged and remodeled. The health department will be closed on June 20 for a state holiday and from June 21-23 for moving. Health department clinical services will resume Friday, June 24, at the 5355 Highway 20 location.
Environmental health services have already relocated to 410 MLK, Jr., Drive, Cartersville, for the expected 18–24-month period. Health department phone numbers remain the same at the temporary locations — Environmental Health: 770-387-2614 and Clinical: 770-382-1920.
Press Release