The application for the truck stop had been approved once before and it was first proposed back in 2019, but as the applicant stated there were issues caused by the pandemic that slowed work. As a result, the permit had expired, and the applicant had to represent the case to the unified zoning board and the city council. This application had its second reading during the last city council meeting where there was some push back from citizens. During this recent meeting there was still some lingering feelings that something else could be put there, however there were also comments that supported the truck stop. Some of the concerns that were brought up were noise and road safety with trucks stopping all day and night. While some of the comments in favor of the application supported it because the truck stop would in turn support truckers. One of the conditions that was discussed during the first reading was that the project must be completed in six months, which was added as a condition, along with all the original conditions. After the discussions on the matter a motion was put forth to approve the application which passed with a 3-2 vote.
In addition to the truck stop application the council voted unanimously to reappoint David Rogers to the downtown development authority for a three-year term that will now end January 12th, 2026. Two of the smaller items also approved by the council during this meeting changing General Chase Drive to a private road, and the unanimous approval of a caboose donation to the city from CSX.