SciFriNight031315 Jeff McClure



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Members: FREE   |   Non-Members: Regular Admission

  • Museum and Store remain open until 9 PM
  • Café remains open until 8 PM
  • Observatory open until 10 PM (weather permitting)
  • FREE planetarium show after 5 PM
  • Lecture at 7 PM + Hands-on demo

LECTURE: The Magical Mr. McClure will amaze us with his illusions and discuss how our minds perceive his state-of-the-art magical effects.

HANDS-ON DEMO: Sleight of hand and optical illusions; what do they have in common? Join Tellus educators as we explore why the eye sees what it sees and how the mind can be tricked!

PLANETARIUM: Preview a new planetarium show called Flight Adventures! Flight Adventures is recommended for ages 8 and up.

Discover the science of flight through the eyes of a young girl and her grandfather in this multi-media planetarium show about the history of aeronautics. Learn about famous inventors and aviators of the past and imagine where flight might take us in the future. FREE show times are: 5:15, 6:00, 6:45, 7:30, and 8:15 PM.