January 22, 2019 – State School Superintendent Richard Woods has honored Representative Matthew Gambill with the fourth Superintendent’s Impact Award.
Rep. Gambill was inaugurated last week as a member of the Georgia House of Representatives. Previously, he led the Georgia Association for Career and Technical Association (GACTE), where he was a tireless advocate for Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education programs in Georgia.
“Matthew Gambill has been a great friend to Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education in Georgia,” Superintendent Woods said. “He understands the impact of these programs on our students’ futures and the health of our state’s workforce and can communicate their value as well as anyone I know. Georgia’s CTAE program has seen great success in recent years – including an all-time-high graduation rate of 96 percent for Career Pathway completers – and Matthew has been an integral part of that work. We will miss him as a CTAE leader, but look forward to working with him as a member of the General Assembly.”
The Superintendent’s Impact Award recognizes Georgians who are not educators, but who make a positive impact on the lives of Georgia’s schools and students. Representative Dave Belton, former Representative Brooks Coleman, and Senator Lindsey Tippins are previous recipients.