The Bartow County Board of Education recently approved two changes to board regulation EEE-R which is part of the school’s wellness program.
The first of these items was wording being changed in the school’s wellness goals including adding a wellness plan that includes specific goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that promote general wellness for student’s faculty and staff. The largest addition is adding an assessment that is to take place every three years to ensure the school system follows the wellness policy.
The updates to this portion also continue and state Parents, students, representatives of the School Nutrition Department, Physical Education teachers, School Health officials, the School Board, system administrators, and the public shall be provided the opportunity to participate in the development, implementation, and periodic review of the Wellness Policy. The designee responsible for the wellness program, shall assure that public notice is given for all meetings of the Wellness Committee, as well as any changes to the Wellness Policy. Each year the Wellness Committee shall assess the goals set in the Wellness Plan to determine success. These assessments shall be reported to the public via the school district website and/or the School Nutrition Department social media page.
The second update stats that The Bartow County School System Board of Education is committed to providing students with nutritious food and beverage options during the school day on the school campus. The school day is defined as: The period from midnight (12:00 a.m.) to thirty (30) minutes after the end of the official school day. A school campus includes all areas of the property under the authority of the school system that are accessible to students during the school day. This includes but not limited to: Outdoor eating areas, school parking lots, and school stores.
For a comprehensive list of those foods that can be sold on school grounds you can visit the Bartow County School Systems website.