Washington, D.C. – Congressman-Elect Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) has been named to the crucial Homeland Security and the Science, Space and Technology Committees in the United States House of Representatives.
Regarding his assignments, Loudermilk said: These are two Committees which, I believe, will be on the frontlines of crucial issues facing the 114th Congress. Homeland Security is one of the most critical elements facing our nation. Over the past several years, we have become more vulnerable in numerous areas. We must address critical issues such as border security, counterterrorism, cyber-security and emergency preparedness. In addition to these critical areas, the Homeland Security committee is also responsible for oversight and efficiency of many departments tasked with defending our homeland, as well as many other integral security related issues. I’m looking forward to working with Chairman McCaul and the members of the Committee to do the job assigned to us.
My experience serving on the Science & Technology Committee in both the State House and State Senate, as well as working in the technology sector, has prepared me to hit the ground running on Science, Space, and Technology. While this committee hasn’t gained much media attention, it oversees many areas critical to our national security, economy and technological advancement. Chairman Smith has expressed his desire take the initiative on key legislation and engage in active oversight of the programs and activities in its jurisdiction; including energy, the environment, research and technology, as well as space technology. “I am pleased to welcome Barry to the Committee on Homeland Security. His service to our country in the Air Force, his business management experience, and his leadership in Georgia state house will be valuable assets as we conduct continuous oversight of the Department of Homeland Security. I look forward to working with him to ensure the safety and security of our nation, while ensuring taxpayer dollars are used effectively and efficiently.” – Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Committee on Homeland Security “With extensive experience having served as Chair of the Georgia State Senate Science and Technology Committee, Barry Loudermilk will be a valued member of this Committee. As we tackle issues in the next Congress that will help shape our nation’s future, we will benefit from Rep. Loudermilk’sexpertise and enthusiasm for science and technology.” – Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX), Committee on Science, Space, and Technology