Kingston’s City Council met on Monday at 6pm at City Hall. Mayor Ronald Casey called the meeting to order. Julian Powell requested to speak on the solar power issues. The emphasis was again on the energy saving initiative for the town’s water tanks.

Trent Lard, representing the Sweitzer Engineering firm, gave figures on correcting issues with the water valves at White columns. The council voted to accept the bid for $22, 500 to fix the water valves which extend along highway 293. The total amount will be $25,000. This was the lowest bid offered.

On Friday, the town was not able to get water due to an ongoing problem with the water tanks. Efforts to fix it created more problems as the hand wheel valve could not be opened as the wheel was missing. The pipes are old and rotten.

Brittney Hickom, representing Way Finding Signs, of Northwest Georgia, said signs will be displaced to identify historical burial sites, and the plaques to put on the graves. The cost is $3,100. This should attract more tourism to the city and bring more business to downtown Kingston.

The council approved hiring a part-time clerk to help with keeping the office opened and collecting fees. They will also hire a person to work with the sheriff on a variety of assignments especially citing properties that are not up to the required codes.

The main focus at this time is to get the problems with the water system corrected.