WHAT Georgia DOT’s maintenance crews are set to work this week on mowing the roadsides of State Route (SR) 140 and SR 3/US 41 in Bartow County, SR 16 in Carroll County, SR 100 in
Chattooga County, SR 372 and SR 369 in Cherokee County, SR 58 in Dade County, SR 60 in Fannin County, SR 156 and SR 1 in Floyd County, SR 225 and SR 2 in Murray County, SR 136
and SR 136 Connector in Pickens County, SR 120 in Polk County, and SR 189 and SR 58 in Walker County. Work will proceed daily between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., weather
The Georgia DOT maintains more than 750,000 acres of highway right-of-way. That amounts to a lot of grass to mow, brush and weeds to control, and land to maintain. Some of this roadside
land is located in the medians of divided highways and the interiors of interchanges. GDOT has developed a responsive roadside management program that benefits many. Some of the major
benefits of this program include fewer accidents by GDOT mowers on dangerous slopes; reduced mowing saves money for tax payers and GDOT; pleasing roadside appearance; less erosion of
roadsides; and restricts growth of unwanted vegetation. GDOT spends approximately $44 million annually on mowing and litter pickup. It is done for safety, vegetation control, improved
drainage, and aesthetic reasons.
WHEN: Monday, September 28 through Thursday, October 1, 2015 from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.
WHERE Bartow County: SR 140 and SR 3
Carroll County: SR 16
Chattooga County: SR 100
Cherokee County: SR 372 and SR 369
Dade County: SR 58
Fannin County: SR 60
Floyd County: SR 156 and SR 1
Murray County: SR 225 and SR 2
Pickens County: SR 136 and SR 136 Connector
Polk County: SR 120
Walker County: SR 189 and SR 58