The Bartow County Board of Elections certified the results of the White City special mayor election from last Tuesday on Monday morning.
The election supervisor Joseph Kirk began the meeting by stating that the office had received a couple of calls about addresses on the voting list that were outside the city. These were only in relation to a couple of addresses and Kirk stated the person who had called about it was given the opportunity to challenge the address but declined to proceed.
Kirk than continued and said the office had reviewed the address list and fixed some of the problems that had come to the surface during this election. It was stated that errors such as this are not uncommon in special elections, because cities may not review their voter list beforehand.
After this conversation the official election summary was signed and accepted. Nothing changed in terms of votes with 122 total votes being cast and Curtis Powell still beating Karen Lee by a vote of 73-49. 102 of the total votes were cast on election day and 20 of them came from the advanced voting period. There were 451 total registered voters that could have voted in this election, which equates to about a 27% turnout. Kirk did state that he was still working on the cost per voter for this election but stated it would be high. That cost per voter will likely be shared during the boards next meeting on April 10th.