Georgians in this area are facing a problem when it comes to jobs. Companies cannot find the qualified workers. While the problem is not unique to Georgia or this region, it is a serious concern to the industries that are already here and those thinking about opening new facilities. To address some of these issues Chattahoochee Technical College’s Economic Development division will host a summit entitled “Bridging the Gap: Custom Solutions for Success” at its North Metro Campus Oct. 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
There is no cost for the event, but pre-registration is encouraged. Open to business and industry leaders, students and job seekers, the event will provide an opportunity for networking and presentations, panel discussions and a chance to ask questions.
“Bridging the Gap will address the evolving education model and what is being done to strengthen our businesses, as well as the workforce for the future,” said Chattahoochee Technical College Technical Programs Coordinator Raushanah Butler. “One of our main focal points is being placed on our upcoming programs that have been created to provide custom and traditional training for the businesses in our communities.”
In addition to certificates, diplomas, and degrees, Chattahoochee Technical College offers non-credit courses which provide short-term, focused training for personal and professional improvement. Chattahoochee Technical College’s Economic Development division supports existing business and industry, entrepreneurs and new companies coming to the area in several ways. We offer contract training services to businesses and industries in our service area. Contract training can be provided on virtually any topic the client company needs to ensure that existing employees upgrade their skills to keep pace with a rapidly changing environment. This training is customized in content, teaching methodology, training schedule and delivery location based on the needs of the company. Common training topics include safety, leadership, management and supervisory development, industrial maintenance and technology, customer service and quality systems.