The Cartersville made just over $350,000 worth of purchases for math and science resources during their meeting on Monday. What follows are those purchases and what schools they are for:
For CPS science the purchase of the following instructional resources for CPS Science in the total amount of $26,850.30.
– Mystery Science online membership – 1 year renewal $1,395.00
– Mystery Science classroom packs – 1 year adoption $25,455.30
For CES science to continue the use of Accelerate Learning Stemscops and recommend the purchase of a 4-year adoption in the amount of $49,449.80.
For CMS science and math, the purchase of Elevate Science Savvas Learning for CMS as a 6-year adoption in the amount of $112,926.00.
For CHS science and math, the purchase of the following instructional resources:
– Inspire Physical Science & Chemistry McGraw-Hill 6-year adoption $47,880.46.
– Savvas Science Bundle – Environmental Science 6-year, College Physics, Experience Physics 6-year, Anatomy and Physiology 6-year, Biology 6-year, Forensic Science 6-year, Environment-The Science the Stories $127,271.55.
– IXL Math 1 year site license, 350 students $9,975.00
– McGraw Hill Georgia Algebra 2 for 150 student editions and 1-year online access with 4TE in the amount of $16,676.52.
In addition to these purchases the board also made the purchase of new flooring for the central office for the total amount of $38,876.00 from Spectra Contract Flooring. Along with the purchase of roller shades for the new primary school form DM Interiors and Design for the total amount of $64,282.00.