WBHF had heard rumblings of a COVID-19 outbreak at a local Cartersville Plant. Aquafil USA, located at 1 Aquafil Drive in Cartersville, shut down its plant on Friday evening after having a couple of employees test positive for the coronavirus last week. WBHF spoke to Caitlin Jacobs, a recruiter at Aquafil who is assisting with COVID-19 support, about the outbreak. Jacobs said that as a precaution, all employees were tested after the initial positive results. In all, the plant had 18 employees test positive as asymptomatic carriers.
Aquafil practiced contact tracing and notified those close contacts of those who were confirmed, COVID-19 patients. Jacobs said that the plant used disinfection fogging, a tool that involves using a fogger machine to generate a cloud of extremely small droplets of disinfectant liquid and had already taken precautions to prevent the virus. Management later learned that those precautions were not fully adhered to and has made the decision to further distant workers from each other. Including:
- Workers now work further than six-feet apart
- Tables in the break room have been further separated
- Office spaces have been separated further apart
- Several supervisors are consistently going through the facility and ensuring that everyone is staying at least six-feet apart and wearing a mask
Logan Boss, public information officer for the Georgia Department of Public Health, told WBHF the health department is aware of several cases at the facility and is investigating. The plant re-opened Tuesday morning.