Cartersville, GA – June 13, 2023 – The Cartersville-Bartow Metropolitan Planning Organization (CBMPO) is pleased to announce the commencement of the update process for the Cartersville- Bartow 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). This comprehensive plan will shape the future of the local transportation network, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of employers and employees, families, disabled individuals, and the elderly over the next three decades.

The Cartersville-Bartow 2050 MTP represents a collaborative effort between the CBMPO, local stakeholders, and community members to envision a transportation system that enhances accessibility, promotes economic growth, and improves the overall quality of life. Through a data- driven and inclusive planning process, the CBMPO aims to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the Cartersville-Bartow region.

To engage the public and gather valuable input, the Cartersville-Bartow Metropolitan Planning Organization will be hosting a public open house. The event will provide an opportunity for the community to discuss transportation opportunities and challenges throughout the county. We invite all residents to participate and contribute to the development of a transportation system that aligns with the community’s vision. Commissioner Steve Taylor stated “Bartow County is addressing the growth coming to the county. We are currently updating our transportation plan and invite the public to attend our Public Open House on June 20th at the Clarence Brown Conference Center where we hope to receive information and valuable input into the needs of this community as it relates to transportation.”

Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, June 20th, 2023, Time: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Location: Clarence Brown Conference Center 5450 Highway 20

Cartersville, Georgia 30121

The community’s presence and participation at the open house will help create a better and more effective transportation system for Bartow County.

The updated Cartersville-Bartow 2050 MTP will serve as a blueprint for future transportation investments, guiding the allocation of resources and implementing projects that support the community’s vision. It will address a range of transportation modes, including roadways, transit, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and emerging mobility options.

For more information about the Cartersville-Bartow Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Cartersville-Bartow 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan update, please visit the official website at or contact Tom Sills, CBMPO Transportation Planner, at