Kanneya DeLon Brown-Cooley charged with four counts of theft by deception.  According to the police report:

On Thursday, March 15, 2018, officer responded to City Hall and met with the Customer Service Supervisor. The Supervisor

informed the officer that some customers have said their accounts were not properly credited after payments had been made.

The officer was provided with multiple accounts in question. According to the report $500 was stolen. 

Due to this information, an investigation was initiated regarding potential theft.


Press Release from the City of Cartersville

March 26, 2018 – A City of Cartersville customer service employee acting outside of the law and City policy was recently terminated from employment with the City and arrested on various charges. This matter continues to be investigated by the Cartersville Police Department.  If your utility bill’s balance does not match what your records indicate it should be,  please contact Demi Castillo or Jenny Hall at Customer Service, 770-387-5607 to discuss it.