Trish Sullivan

Time for a Wednesday edition of Bartow’s Morning News

It's hump day and time for a Wednesday edition of Bartow's Morning News, broadcasting the very best in local news, weather, traffic and sports on your award-winning community radio station. We have three guest segments today. At 7:40AM, Georgia Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols, will join us via phone to talk about the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Roadshow, which [read more...]

By |2020-09-15T10:17:14-04:00June 10th, 2015|Features, General News, Headlines|Comments Off on Time for a Wednesday edition of Bartow’s Morning News

Time for a Joe Tilley Thursday on Bartow’s Morning News

Good morning and welcome to a special Joe Tilley Thursday edition of Bartow's Morning News, bringing you the best in news, weather, traffic and sports on your award-winning community radio station. Before we get to Joe Tilley, we have two guest segments back-t0-back in the second hour. At 7:40AM, we'll be joined by Trish Sullivan, City Manager for [read more...]

By |2020-09-15T10:17:28-04:00May 7th, 2015|Features, General News, Headlines, Sports|Comments Off on Time for a Joe Tilley Thursday on Bartow’s Morning News

Time for a Joe Tilley edition of Bartow’s Morning News

Good morning and welcome to a special Joe Tilley Thursday edition of Bartow's Morning News, bringing you the best in news, weather, traffic and sports on your award-winning community radio station. Before we get to Joe Tilley, we have one guest segment in the second hour. At 7:40AM, we'll be joined by Trish Sullivan, City Manager for [read more...]

By |2020-09-15T10:17:36-04:00April 9th, 2015|Features, General News, Headlines|Comments Off on Time for a Joe Tilley edition of Bartow’s Morning News

A Wednesday edition of #BMN is underway

It's time for a Wednesday edition of Bartow's Morning News, broadcasting the very best in local news, weather, traffic and sports on your award-winning community radio station. We have two guest segment today.  At 7:40AM, we will be joined by Trish Sullivan and Kattie Odom to discuss Food Truck Friday's in Frankie Harris Park. Then, at 8:40, we'll be joined by Meghann [read more...]

By |2020-09-15T10:19:28-04:00July 9th, 2014|General News, Headlines|Comments Off on A Wednesday edition of #BMN is underway