Chief Thomas Culpepper of the Cartersville Police Department would like to thank everyone who helped make this past Saturday’s drug take back a success.  Between what was dropped off Saturday and what has been dropped off at the Police Department since the fall take back, the Department was able to report that 75 pounds of unwanted medications were taken back.

Chief Culpepper stated, “We would like to thank the citizens who participated as well as CVS Pharmacy who permitted us to hold the take back at their store located at 13 North Tennessee Street.  We will be doing another take back in October however I would like to remind everyone that we maintain a drop box at our headquarters where you can drop off unwanted medications 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

It is not necessary to remove labels from prescription medications.  The Department regularly incinerates all the medications it receives.  The only items that cannot be dropped off are bio-hazardous materials such as syringes, glucose test sticks, and similar items.