Dr. Marc Feuerbach

Call to Order – Kelley Dial, President


Pledge of Allegiance

Character Word for the Month:  HONESTY:Telling the truth, admitting wrongdoing. Being trustworthy and acting with integrity.

Cafeteria Staff Recognition:
In honor of National School Lunch Hero Day on May 1, 2020 we recognize our cafeteria workers who are dedicated and committed to the mission of feeding hundreds of students on a daily basis.  They, alongside of our transportation department, have gone above and beyond to prepare and deliver lunches to our students during the pandemic crisis that forced our schools to close early for the 2019-20 school year.  The managers and assistant managers are as follows:

Cartersville Primary – Renee O’Harran, Manager
                                        Stacie Cornwell, Assistant Manager

Cartersville Elementary – Marilyn Dabbs, Manager
                                              Carla Zimmerman, Assistant Manager

Cartersville Middle – Chris Waits, Manager
                                      Carolyn Huston, Assistant Manager

Cartersville High – Tiffany Tallent, Manager
                                 Misty Watkins, Assistant Manager

School Nurse Recognition:
In honor of National School Nurses Day, May 6, 2020, we recognize our nurses who provide quality health services with compassion and care to our students and staff.

Cartersville Primary – Carilyn Hawkins
Cartersville Elementary – Jessica Harrell
Cartersville Middle – Cindy Smith
Cartersville High – Gladis Welch 

A report of “School News” was made by the principal of each school.

A presentation was made by Meagen Thompson, Director of Behavioral Health for Tanner Medical Center – Willowbrooke.  May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Business items:

The System Financial and Utility Cost and Usage Reports for March 2020 were approved.

Resolution to Renew DOE LFP

A recommendation for the approval of a resolution to renew the state Local Facilities Plan as required by the state of Georgia DOE by March 15, 2021 was approved.

CES/CHS Wiring Extension Quote

SmartWAVE Technologies, Alpharetta, GA, (our current wireless vendor) was approved to extend the wiring in the CES parking lot and the CHS front circle and stadium, in the amount of $10,445.00.  This purchase comes from the state contract.

CES Panel Installation

EDCO – Education Consultants, Kennesaw, Ga., was approved to install 13 recordex panels at Cartersville Elementary School for a total cost of $52,583.69.  This quote aligns with our FY20Board RFP 9000-0503-117 that is good through June 30, 2020.

CHS Panel Installation

EDCO – Education Consultants, Kennesaw, Ga., was approved to install 7 recordex panels at Cartersville High School for a total cost of $28,168.62.  This quote aligns with our FY20Board RFP 9000-0503-117 that is good through June 30, 2020.

Student Assessment System Quote

The MAP Growth Student Assessment System from NWEA, Portland, Oregon, was approved for a total cost of $46,712.50.

CMS Gymnasium Bleacher Removal

Georgia Specialty Equipment, Fayetteville, Georgia was approved to remove and dispose of the old gymnasium bleachers at Cartersville Middle School at the total cost of 9,250.00.

CMS Gymnasium Bleacher Purchase

Georgia Specialty Equipment, Fayetteville, Georgia was approved to install new gymnasium bleachers at Cartersville Middle School at the total cost of 103,259.30. This purchase is coming from the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (National IPA).

Consent items:

Rental Request:

Bless Coalition/Bartow Give a Kid a Chance Organization was approved to use the CHS Storm Center for an outreach event, providing school supplies, haircuts, health screenings, etc. on July 24-25,  2020  from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Several surplus items were approved.

Committee Recommendations:

Policy Committee

Adoption of New Policy GAF: Student-Staff Relations was approved

GAF:  Emphasizes the importance of professional relationships between staff members and students.

Requires employees to sign a copy of the provisions of the policy for awareness and documentation.

Curriculum Committee

The purchase of math instructional resource programs was approved from the following vendors:

CPS – The Math Learning Center, Salem, OR, for a total cost of $94,081.89.
CES – The Math Learning Center, Salem, OR, for a total cost of $93,111.40.
CMS – Envision by Savvas Learning, Paramus, NJ (formerly Envision by Pearson) for a total cost of $94,471.38.

Personnel recommendations approved:


Marilyn Palmer, CES Teacher, retirement, with regret, effective end of 2019-20 school year

Jillian Mroczko, CMS Teacher, effective end of 2019-20 school year

Certified Employment:

Abbey Rogers, Teacher, CHS, effective 2020-21 school year
Raven Ward, School Psychologist, effective 2020-21 school year
Sara Tornincasa, Teacher, CHS, effective 2020-21 school year

Mallory Arnold, Teacher, CES, effective 2020-21 school year
Eran D. Jackson, Teacher, CES, effective 2020-21 school year

Jonathan Wade Stewart, Teacher, CHS, effective 2020-21 school year

The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 8, 2020.